An Analysis of Poetry

THIS IS JUST TO SAY by William Carlos William

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

Hey, there is so simple title of Poetry above
Lets, talking about that. First, We have a question about it. It can be simple analysis too but also difficult analysis. Whooaa, here the speaker and the 'you' has relationship both of them. They are as a family member who lives in the same house with less communication and only talk to each other by notes. This Poetry has an effect to readers that the readers feel is that he/she is not sincere with his/her apology. She/he is trying to blame the plums, because "they were delicious, so sweet and so cold". The title also has an effect of poetry. The title give an effect that it is a part of the poem. The speaker wants to say something that is trivial and the 'you' will know about the plums even the speaker did not leave any notes. The title would be 'confession' or 'apology'. So far this poem consist of 4 lines in each stanza and it is categorized as modern poem with free Rhyme.
It just simple analysis for the poem.
I will come back again. See you next topics.


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